December 14, 2016
Well, here we are, the middle of December already. The countdown is officially on for Christmas. I spent a few days doing our Christmas shopping and the chaos is certainly around us. I entered the mall only to stop and just watch people stand in long lines and race from store to store with their hands full of bags. I was torn between two feelings. 1. excitement for the season and 2. sad for those who are going through a difficult time this year. It seems every time we turn around friends, or friends of friends, are being hit with devastating news, grieving, or anxiety around the unknown. It reminded me that we are not the only ones going through trials. It also reminded me that my faith in God is the one thing I can rely on to keep going forward.
Ben completed round 12 of chemotherapy last Wednesday. It's now been 6 months since his diagnosis. There was a lot of anxiety going into this round. The previous round knocked Ben out for almost 9 whole days. The nausea, nose bleeds, lack of appetite, loss of taste, headaches, and fatigue really knocked him down. Brooke and Kendal have learned to let daddy rest on his "not so good" days. Brooke will even say "Daddy, you can just go lay down if you want". She's such a sweetie! Going into round 12 Ben was reminded to use some of the medications to help him get through the crappy parts and well, it seemed to work. This round he has been up and about for the most part. I come home from work and will find closets all cleaned and organized, our basement all cleaned and organized... it's amazing! I'm so thankful for the days he is well, despite going through chemotherapy, and that he is able to help me around the house as much as he does. This shows me his willingness to help me when he can and for that I am so grateful to have a husband to help.
Ben completed two MRIs last weekend. The results have come back with some very positive news, yet again! (PRAISE GOD!!) The MRIs confirmed that cancer looks contained only to the left side of Ben's liver and little to no cancer on the right side.Previous CT scans were done but MRI reports showed better imaging. Images and reports are now being sent to the surgeon for planned liver resection for potentially February. Ben will need to be off chemotherapy for 4 weeks leading up to the surgery, which at this point looks like it will be taking place in Hamilton. We haven't yet met with a surgeon so most of our questions haven't been answered but as usual we will keep everyone up-to-date on the details as they are revealed to us.
Ben and I took some time the other night to reflect on what has happened over the past year. We sat next to our Christmas tree together and couldn't help but shake our heads in disbelief that it was only one year ago this month that we had purchased our home in Niagara and renovated the entire main floor. Ben did the entire renovation. From demo, flooring, tiles, drywall, electrical etc. (of course some help from friends and family here and there) We were told Ben likely had his cancer the entire time he renovated our house. I remember coming to visit Ben, we lived with my parents during our renovations, and he was so exhausted. He would put in his 44+ hours/ week as electrical foreman of a 60 million dollar job in Niagara Falls, only to drive to our new house to work all evening trying to finish the house for us. At one point during the renovations Ben got quite sick and couldn't get to the house to work. This lasted about about 2 weeks. Looking back it all makes sense. At the time we thought nothing of it, definitely didn't think cancer was in his cards! I wanted to share some before, during and after pictures of the work Ben did. I am amazed that despite him feeling unwell most of the time, he powdered through this house without complaint and in only 4 months. We moved in at the beginning May of 2016. Ben was diagnosed in June of 2016. Another way God was working in our lives. It amazes me how things seem to work out it the weirdest of ways.
I want to take this time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I know for a lot of people it's a difficult time of year, and we certainly pray in our hearts that you are able to get through this time. We hope everyone is able to be with their family and friends this Christmas and enjoy each others company. Hold each other close and cherish the moments that are among us and most importantly, celebrate the birth of Jesus!
Here are some pictures of the house!
Before |
During |
During |
After (Kendal had to have Mr. Bear in the picture!) |
After (minus a little bit of crown moulding left!)
Before |
Before |
Before |
During |
During |
During |
After |
After |
After (again just some crown moulding to finish) |
God Bless You all !!!!