August 23, 2018
Another summer has come and gone, just like that. Here we are slowly getting ready for the kids to go back to school. It's amazing how fast time continues to go.
I felt compelled to jump on the blog for a quick update on how the girls and I are actually doing. I get asked quite often and I am thankful for those who still send e-mails or text messages to check in with me.
Our summer was busy. We spent a lot of our time at the cottage, which was pretty awesome. I worked 3 days a week, went up for 4, and repeated this each week. Living the life! Being on the water and creating new memories was actually a breath of fresh air for me. Sure, it was hard at first, but I'm amazed at how quickly I adapted to our "new life". The biggest adjustment for me has been the single parenting. There is a lot of room for improvement in that area. I can honestly say it is the hardest part. Cheers to those who do this. I give you a lot of credit.
To be honest, the girls and I are doing really well. Life before was extremely stressful on me. Over the course of 10 years I lost myself. I lost my voice, my smile, my happiness. Each year just seemed to get more and more complicated and it was an absolute mess. There is SO much this blog never touched, for personal reasons. I've now been able to sit back and reflect on that time. I often find myself saying, "What the hell actually just happened to me!?" I recently had a very good friend look at me and say, "Amy, you're back!" Hearing this brought tears to my eyes, because I can feel that! This journey of grief and growth has been very different for me. It's not all bad, as bad as that might sound to some of you reading this. You need to walk in my shoes to understand what I actually mean by this. (But really, I hope you never have to).
I am currently still in the middle of a legal situation regarding Life Insurance. I wont go into details about this- but for those who ask... it is still ongoing.
Regardless, I have been encouraged to look at life differently and want better for myself and others. I continue to strive for happiness, for love, and for the rest of my life to be lived with nothing but GOOD things going forward. I don't want stress and heartache to control me anymore. I will not have negative people around me. I can't anymore. I will keep going and I want to keep going. I am excited for what my future, and my girls future, has in store.
Best of luck to all the kiddies heading back to school in the next few weeks. I look forward to seeing all of your first day photos. As always, thank-you for keeping the girls and I in your thoughts and prayers and for always showing us how loved we are by all of you.